Date 23.12.2020
Time: 14.00-16.00
How can we get in contact with the buyers? How can we be more visible to our target audience are often asked questions nowadays? Communication, contacts with the buyers and the target audience today looks radically different than it did just a year ago. Virtual meetings, contacts and presentations are now a new norm and this request familiarity with the tools that can be helpful in this process.
To help you manage this changes, the session on ‘’ How to build your sales pipelines by using digital tool” will be an opportunity for the companies to find out more about : why use LinkedIn , optimizing your profile to get 14x more views, 4 ways to find your target audience, creating messages that people accept, how to find anyone’s email address , extra software’s to help you speed up sales.
On our Serbia Connects Platform we will host and expert Patrick Collins. Patrick expertise is helping to you find your next customer and show you the best software to improve your lead generation processes.
Webinar is open for all companies interested to participate and scale their knowledge. In order to participate please Register on Platform and Join under Live section (Networking Lounge) on the day of event.